marți, 11 martie 2014

Cand viata iti da materiale ... cosi cu drag / When life gives me fabrics ... I sew

Ro: Am inceput acest an cu lista mea cu rezolutii in care imi propuneam printre altele sa petrec in medie de 6 ore/saptamana la masina de cusut. Insa trebuie sa marturisesc ca sunt zile cand petrec cate 5-6 ore la masina de cusut pentru ca atunci cand incep un proiect ideile incep sa curga.

En: I started 2014 with a list of resolutions and among them I said I want to sew on my sewing machine an average of 5-6 hours / week But I have to make a confession that there are days when I spend 5-6 hours/day on my sewing machine because when I start a new peoject, ideas start to flow like a river.

Ro: Astfel ca am inceput cu o hainuta cu dichis pentru agenda mea si am finalizat cu o duzina de ele, ca asa e viata ... "cand iti da materiale textile ... te apuci si cosi".

En: So I started to sew a fabric cover for my special agenda and in the end I sewed a dozen of them, because "when life gives me fabrics ... I start to sew" :)

Ro: Acum stau cuminti in asteptare pe masa de croit cateva genti mai speciale si binenteles o paturica de picnic pe care as vrea sa o finalizez pentru prima iesire la iarba verde.

En: Right now, onto my sewing table some new special bags and totes wait for me to arrange them and the picnic blanket that I promised to use on the first picnic out.

Ro: Pregatesc si cateva tutoriale pentru cei care doriti sa descoperiti din trucurile pe care si eu le descopar experimentand ...

En: Of course I prepare some ttutorials for those of you who want to explore the tips and tricks that I discovered on my experiments.

So, enjoy

miercuri, 5 martie 2014


Ro: Zilele cand ma hotarasc sa imi fac o schimbare de look sunt cele mai faine ... ca incep sa caut poze, sa fac simulari si sa ma gandesc mult "oare cum va iesi?".

Asa ca am adunat aici o parada a lucrurilor carora le-am schimbat look-ul cu putina slefuire, culoare, pensule, adezivi, lacuri, putin decoupage, patina, ac si ata, masina de cusut si multa, multa voie buna.

En: The days when I decide to make a change of my look are the beste days of my like ... I start to search photos, ideas, make some simulations and wonder "How is it going to look like in the end?".

So, here I put up a parade of the things that I made a change of "look" by grinding, colouring, brushes, adhesives, varnishes, a little bit of decoupage, weathering, neddle and thread, sewing machines and a lot of good mood.

So enjoy and visit my FB page